No Fasting Required
Above 18 Years
Three Days of Sexual Abstinence Required for Semen Analysis
Plays a role in testosterone production and sperm production.
Essential for sperm production and overall testicular function.
High levels can interfere with testosterone production and sperm production.
Measures overall testosterone levels, important for fertility and sexual function.
Binds to testosterone, affecting its bioavailability and fertility potential.
Assesses sperm count, motility, and morphology to evaluate male fertility.
Indicates the amount of bioavailable testosterone, which is crucial for fertility.
It helps evaluate hormone levels and sperm health, which are critical for male fertility and conception.
Fasting is generally not required, but it’s best to follow any specific instructions from your healthcare provider.
This package is ideal for men experiencing infertility, low libido, or irregular sexual function, or those who are planning to conceive.
It is recommended when experiencing fertility issues or as part of a pre-conception health checkup.
Results are typically available within 24 hours.
At Accuracy Plus, we create a scientific, all-inclusive, and value-adding diagnostic culture of excellent, timely test results conforming to world-class testing standards and benchmarks for swifter and better disease detection.